Once again, throwing dinner together last minute and loving it! This took about 30 minutes to prep and cook... doesn't look it, does it? I baked the salmon with a little sea salt and dried thyme leaves with halved cherry tomatoes on top (baked at 350 for 20 min and broil for 3).
My sides were Pineapple Almond Quinoa and Ginger Bok Choy (made the bok a million times this way- my favorite). I cooked the quinoa in water, brought it to a boil and reduced it to a simmer for about 8 minutes and then turned the heat off and left the cover on. In the meantime, I sauteed a diced onion in olive oil and then added the bok choy, sliced. When the veggies were sauteed and tender, I added freshly grated ginger and sea salt. Last minute, I FINELY diced a few pieces of pineapple and dry toasted almonds with a dash of ground cloves; I added them both to the cooked quinoa with a tablespoon of pineapple juice.
Honestly, fridge to table, this took only 30 minutes! It's all about thinking ahead, start prepping what takes the longest to cook (salmon in this case) and finish what cooks the quickest. Easy as pie.
Alright, a mess in the sink awaits. :)