It has been a busy week... but an unexpectedly good one. I hosted a cooking class, worked, gave a healthy eating lecture at Norwalk Hospital (pictured above) and stumbled upon a few interesting possibilities for the future... which I will get to at another time, don't want to jinx myself!
The cooking class went well, I host all different themed classes (all healthy food of course); allergy-free cooking, cooking for optimal health, quick and easy meals, cooking for kids, etc. This class was a gluten-free cooking class so I made gluten-free fluffy pancakes, open-faced chicken salad and roast veggie sandwich and breaded/herb-crusted tilapia with sauteed kale and roast butternut squash. I had two hours and basically 3 meals, but it was great, I had a lot of fun and it seemed like those attending were happy with the food and what they learned.
Talking at Norwalk was exciting... my brother is a doctor there so there were some familiar faces in my talk/demonstration. It presents an interesting challenge when talking to doctors about nutrition/food/pesticides, etc. Doctors know a great deal about the body and health, however, they are not taught as much about nutrition and ways of healing that are less (or not at all) scientifically based. On the one hand you don't want to stand in front of doctors and look like a freak talking about how vegetable juice cured your health conditions... but you also need to illustrate that there is a powerful connection between the choices we make and the affect on our bodies. My perspective was based on personal experience... that I went through a lot of doctors, specialists, etc. to figure out the health issues I was having and it was not until I looked at it from a holistic perspective that I started to heal. Therefore, I think it helps to show the doctors that I am not telling them what I learned in school, but what I experienced as an individual. I hope to have made an impact on some of them, they were very receptive and appreciative. I was lucky to have such a great group... or maybe I am a little biased!
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