We had a lot of fun but it has been pure craziness for the past... oh, 3 weeks! Totally worth it though and I could not have done it without Jim and Pete (of course), all the parents who brought their kids to cook with me and most of all, my mom!
We filmed episodes for Healthy Child's website, but here is the catch... I HAVE TO DO THE EDITING!!! If this whole experience (meaning from developing the concept of Nourish This on) has taught me anything its that if you want to achieve something, anything important to you, you better be prepared to work your ass off! If I was unwilling to step into other rolls... production, sales, manager, and now webisode editor- I would not get anywhere!
It is definitely a good lesson to be learned. I believe more every day and with every project I try to complete that persistence is the seed to success. If you don't give up on yourself, no matter how frustrating the process may be at times, you will reach your goal eventually. Its those who give up, who surrender to the speed bumps (and sometimes mountains) in their way who don't reach their dreams. It is difficult not to at times, believe me, I have to fight off the urge to surrender, go back to teaching or art therapy and then I realize that is not really an option for me. This is what I love to do, this is what drives me to work harder and keep going so no, its really not an option for forfeit at any point.
So, I will learn Final Cut Express! Yes folks, I will. It may take me about 8 years but stay tuned, it will happen! Ha ha
Well, I better get back to my online tutorials or it will take 8 years! I posted a few pics from the shoot. It really was so much fun, I loved being back on camera in the kitchen!
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