Monday, August 31, 2009

Why isn't there a YouTube video for coping with seeing yourself on camera too much?!

Oh the joy of editing your own videos.  You truly learn a deeper level of hate for yourself! ha ha, j/k but it is slightly on the tortuous side.  I decided that if I were ever (I should be more optimistic and say WHEN) have my own show, I cannot ever be in charge of hair and make-up.  These webisodes are very clear evidence that styling myself is certainly not my strongest quality!  
I am very thankful though, that I had Pete and Jim there to help me... to make me clap every time we cut so that I was not completely losing my mind during editing!  I tell you what, Final Cut Express is some darn tricky software.  Every time I start to get a handle on it and feel like a pro, something happens that makes me realize I am anything but.  For instance, I was slicing and snapping footage together, cross dissolving, pulling clips from the viewer into the canvas, working my magic... and then I realized I have no idea how to add text or add new clips without shifting all the other clips- ahhhhhh.  Someone rescue me... anyone!  
I do think, despite all this negative talk, that it will be very gratifying once all these videos are finished and I have added music and made them look bad ass ;)  ...hopefully that will happen sooner than later! 

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