Friday, March 6, 2009

Buckwheat Groats, sounds so bad but tastes so good!

I try to just call them buckwheat grains because the groat part just doesn't scream "choose me" when I am making breakfast!
OK, so I personally find buckwheat to be delicious just on its own and it is a fabulous choice for savory dishes. However, you do not have to do much to make it into a warm comforting breakfast to start off the day. Oh, and it cooks in no time at all... I think it takes longer to pour a bowl of cereal than it does to make buckwheat grains. That being said, I always have to mix more than one type of cereal when I eat it so it IS kind of a production... I digress.
So breakfast today was 1/4 cup raw buckwheat grains cooked in 1/2 cup of water and a pinch of sea salt. I spooned it into a bowl with 1/4 of a banana, sliced, a dash of nutmeg and cinnamon and a drizzle of almond milk. To bump up to protein value I also cooked a poached egg... which by the way is GREAT when eaten with the buckwheat! I know, how weird does that sound?? But it was delicious.
Give it a whirl, its easy and filling!

*(According to Buckwheat is a (gluten-free) fruit seed that is related to rhubarb and sorrel. Because of the rich nutrient values in buckwheat it has been thought to aid in improving cholesterol and blood sugar. Buckwheat is high in fiber and full of good quality protein (the protein contains all 8 amino acids).

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